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Majority of Kenyans do not have access to clean water. In some regions as many as 95% of the people have no water anywhere near them. Majority walk for as many as 25kms to look for water. Others have to walk for 80kms. They waste too much time in hunt for water besides facing dangers of attack or rape as majority of those fetching water are women and girls.  The water they get is dirty and is a haven of diseases. Many families become too sick after consuming the water. Millions of Kenyans hardly have a bath due to water shortages. When found, water is more expensive beyond the reach of many. Many livestock die due to lack of clean water.

The Good Governance Team – Kenya (GGT-K) shall seek the Government to implement 5 measures in the water sector. Besides being a critical necessity, we view water provision within close proximity  to a home as part of women empowerment given that the tasks for water search is done by women/girl child who in the end are left with no energy or time to engage in economically productive activities. Within five years, every Kenyan house should be connected to piped water or it will be installed within 0-10 minutes’ walk. This way, we shall free women’s/girl’s time to do other income-generating activities hence making the woman more financially independent. It will also make the population healthier. The water will also be used for irrigation in small, medium and large-scale irrigation all year round hence building more health families. All schools and public institutions will also be connected to water system.

See Links

  1. Water problems in Kenya
  2. Water shortage hits parts of Marsabit County
  3. Surviving ravages of Turkana's Kakong'u
  4. Portraits of Pain: Takaba's water woes
  5. Portraits of Pain: Water mining in Mandera
  6. Potraits of Pain: East Pokot water woes
  7. Kisumu water woes